Women judges in the Republic of Moldova are not represented proportionally in the courts` management positions

Although, at first glance, there is equality in the presence of women and men as actors in the justice system in the Republic of Moldova, women are not represented proportionally in management positions (president, vice president) in the courts, hitting a "glass ceiling". This "glass ceiling" that leads to the implicit exclusion of women from management positions has been constructed and is based on prejudices and stereotypes regarding the role of women in the family and in society. These are the conclusions of the report "Analysis of the gender dimension in the justice sector in the Republic of Moldova" launched today by the Legal Resources Centre from Moldova (LRCM) in Chișinău.

Despite the increasing number of women entering the profession equally with men, women seem to have less chances of promotion when it comes to management positions. The biggest disparity, however, appears in terms of promotion to senior positions at the Supreme Court of Justice. In this case, even though an equal number of women and men applied during the analysed period for a senior position, men‘s chances to be promoted were three times higher. Even when a women judge is the unique candidate for promotion, her chances of success vary between 30 and 50%, depending on the type of court, while in the case of a man being the single candidate, the chances are between 50 and 75%.

There is a general perception that a woman judge has to give up an important part of her family life in order to pursue her profession, fact confirmed by all the interviewed judges. Women judges pay the price of professional success by managing exhausting multiple tasks. They result from both heavy workload and the demands of professional status, as well as from the internalization of some social expectations regarding the role of women in the family and in society.

The existence of gender imbalances regarding the employment or promotion in public positions is not a problem faced only by the Republic of Moldova. The same phenomenon has also been observed in other states, with the difference that their national authorities took temporary measures designed to ensure equal opportunities when these disparities had been found.

The report includes general action lines and recommendations addressed to the Parliament, the Ministry of Justice, the Superior Council of Magistracy, the National Institute of Justice, the presidents of the courts, as well as to the international donors and civil society interested in supporting the improvement of the internal management processes of the judicial system in the Republic of Moldova.

The following recommendations can be highlighted:

- Amendment of Law no. 154/2012 regarding the selection, evaluation of the performances and the career of the judges by explicitly providing that, in the case of promotions to a higher court and in the contests for a management position, when a man and woman obtain an equal score, to give priority to the woman judge, as a temporary special measure, as long as there is a massive gender imbalance as current statistical data show.

- Reduced allocation of files in the Integrated Case Management System for parents who return from childcare leave according to their part-time work programme.

- Providing regular courses with updated information for judges that come back to work after childcare leave.

- Giving priority to participation in international cooperation projects and initiatives that aim to transfer best practices in ensuring gender equality in the judiciary.

Access the full report in Romanian here.

The report was drawn up by Romanița IORDACHE and Iustina IONESCU, international experts in the field of non-discrimination and gender equality with the support of the LRCM, within the project "Institutional Support for Organizational Development" implemented by LRCM and funded by Sweden.


Interceptarea convorbirilor telefonice în Republica Moldova

Cifre îngrijorătoare despre interceptările telefonice din Republica Moldova au fost prezentate de către Vladislav Gribincea, președintele Centrului de Resurse Juridice din Moldova, la audierile parlamentare privind respectarea legii privind activitatea specială de investigații din 3 iulie 2019. În anul 2016, in Moldova persoanele erau interceptate de peste 100 de ori mai des (raportat la cap de locuitor) decât în SUA.

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Prezentarea analizei „Justiția Republicii Moldova în cifre – o privire comparativă”

În anul 2016, Republica Moldova aloca justiției EUR 8 pe cap de locuitor, fiind țară cu cea mai mică sumă alocată la acest capitol. În 2018, suma a crescut până la EUR 17 pe cap de locuitor, ceea ce oricum era de 3.5 ori mai puțin decât media țărilor Consiliului Europei. Cu toate acestea, ponderea bugetului alocat justiției în bugetul de stat, în 2018, era una foarte ridicată, constituind 1.5% din toate cheltuielile, comparativ cu media de 0.9% în țările membre ale Consiliului Europei (CoE).

Aceste date rezultă din analiza „Justiția din Republica Moldova în cifre – o privire comparativă”, efectuată de Centrul de Resurse Juridice din Moldova (CRJM). Raportul prezintă o comparație a justiției din Republica Moldova cu cea din 10 țări din fostul lagăr socialist, precum și cu media a 45 de țări membre ale CoE. În baza concluziilor formulate, pot fi identificate potențiale necesități de intervenție la nivel de politici în acest domeniu.

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[Extended deadline] LRCM seeks to contract a Fundraising Expert

LRCM seeks to contract  a Fundraising Expert to assist LRCM team in developing a long term fundraising strategy and sustainability plan to help the organization diversify its funding base

In continuation of the tender advertisement dated 6 September 2019, and eventually extended on 24 September 2019, LRCM hereby extends consecutively the tender submission date to 30 October 2019.


Terms of Reference for Fundraising Expert to assist LRCM team in developing a long term fundraising strategy and sustainability plan to help the organization diversify its funding base.


LRCM hereby extends the tender submission deadline to 30 October 2019.


The total budget for the overall assignment activity should not exceed the amount of USD 9,000 (including any relevant travel, accommodation or consultancy costs).


Legal Resources Centre from Moldova (LRCM) is a non-profit organization that contributes to strengthening democracy and the rule of law in the Republic of Moldova with emphasis on justice and human rights. Our work includes research and advocacy. We are independent and politically non-affiliated.

LRCM aims to ensure a funding portfolio and mechanisms that are fairly balanced and contribute to secure the organization long term financial sustainability. Although, over the last years the organisation has undertaken some specific actions to enhance budgeting policies, the current LRCM budget still remains mostly project based.

This activity is carried out under the project Promoting the Rule of Law in Moldova through Civil Society Oversight, with the financial support of the U.S. Agency for International Development (USAID).


The selected expert will help the organization diversify its funding base by proposing new fundraising approaches that work considering the profile of the organisation, the country specific context and the existing/potential available mechanisms.

The Expert should:

  • perform the desk review of the current LRCM policies, regulations and practices in place, as well as of the fundraising opportunities in the priority areas for LRCM; if necessary, consider one visit to Moldova;
  • develop, in consultation with LRCM, the draft long term fundraising strategy, identifying funding requirements and opportunities, specific fundraising activities and their timing, as well as responsibilities for fundraising within the organisation;
  • deliver expertise and consult LRCM on how to diversify and improve its funding base, by proposing new fundraising approaches that work, considering the profile of the organisation, the country specific context and the existing/potential available mechanisms.

Key deliverables:

  • design a clear fundraising sustainable strategy, identifying requirements and ways of funding opportunities. Recommend funding activities and their timing.

The strategy shall be presented in English or Romanian.


The period of assignment will be up to 15 working days, depending on expert’s fees and action plan from November to December 2019, with the final strategy to be delivered by 15 January 2020.


  • university degree in finance or another relevant field. A master or PhD degree in these fields or any relevant fundraising studies will be considered as an advantage;
  • record of participation in assignments of similar size and degree of complexity is as an advantage;
  • relevant professional experience (up to 5 years; experience with non-profit organization will be considered as an advantage);
  • knowledge of country specific context (Moldova / Central East European region) will be considered as an advantage;
  • experience of fundraising activity;
  • proficiency in English. Excellent writing and analytical methods and skills;
  • good personal and corporate reputation and integrity.


The cumulative method will be applied in the evaluation of the applications. The contract will be awarded to the candidate achieving the highest cumulative score from the technical and financial parts of the proposal. The technical proposal accounts for 70% of the total score and the financial proposal will account for 30% of the total evaluation score. The calculation criteria of the Financial Offer will be based on a percentage proportion, awarding 100% (equivalent to 30 points) to the lowest financial bid submitted. 

The offers will be evaluated based on the following criteria:


Max. point

Action plan


Relevant degree 


Relevant professional experience (experience with non-profit organization will be considered as an advantage) and fundraising experience


Knowledge of country specific context (Moldova / Central East European region)


Financial offer





Offers may be submitted by individual candidates and/or legal entities. The signed and dated offer must sent by e-mail to [email protected] or directly to the LRCM premises, 33, A. Sciusev street, Chisinau, MD-2001, by 30 October 2019, including the following components:

  • the copy of the registration certificate/extract for the legal person and the updated CV of the candidates, together with a Cover letter, which will contain: (1) interest in the assignment and a short description of previous portfolios/beneficiaries; (2) the name and contact details of two reference persons;
  • proposed action plan to achieve the key deliverables;
  • financial offer in USD, with the breakdown of costs (consultancy fee per number of anticipated working days, including costs for per diems, accommodation, travel to Moldova (1 (one) return trip). The offers presented in another currency will be converted at the official exchange rate of the National Bank of Moldova at the deadline date for submitting the offer.

For Moldovan candidates: (a) companies are invited to send their financial offers with the application of the VAT exemption with deduction right. The confirmative documents for VAT exemption will be presented by the beneficiary; (b) individual candidates – net amounts.

For foreign individual candidates/companies, if selected, the tax resident certificate issued by the relevant tax authority of the origin country will be requested. Upon presentation of the certificate of residence for tax purposes based on the Convention for the avoidance of double taxation, the Expert will have the sole responsibility for the payment of all applicable taxes relating to Expert and Expert’s employees arising from payments to be received.

 (!) Individual successful candidates should justify the requested fees by filling in a form (Contractor Employee Biographical Data Sheet in line with USAID requirements) indicating the fees received for similar services from at least three contractors, with the attachment of the supporting documents.

  • Declaration on conflicts of interest. In case of a conflict of interests, real or potential, with the members or employees of the LRCM, the bidder is obliged to declare it in a written document enclosed with the application.

 For further information, please contact us at +373 22 843601 ext.110 or e-mail: [email protected]

NOTE: LRCM reserves the right not to choose any candidate in case the offers received will not meet the desired requirements mentioned in this ToR or its budget.

[Extended deadline] LRCM seeks to contract a Fundraising Expert



Terms of Reference for Fundraising Expert to assist LRCM team in developing a long term fundraising strategy and sustainability plan to help the organization diversify its funding base.


LRCM hereby extends the tender submission deadline to 8 October 2019.


The total budget for the overall assignment activity should not exceed the amount of USD 9,000 (including any relevant travel, accommodation or consultancy costs).


The Legal Resources Centre from Moldova (LRCM) is a non-profit organization that contributes to strengthening democracy and the rule of law in the Republic of Moldova with emphasis on justice and human rights. Our work includes research and advocacy. We are independent and politically non-affiliated.

LRCM aims to ensure a funding portfolio and mechanisms that are fairly balanced and contribute to secure the organization long term financial sustainability. Although, over the last years the organisation has undertaken some specific actions to enhance budgeting policies, the current LRCM budget still remains mostly project based.

This activity is carried out under the project Promoting the Rule of Law in Moldova through Civil Society Oversight, with the financial support of the U.S. Agency for International Development (USAID).


The selected expert will help the organization diversify its funding base by proposing new fundraising approaches that work considering the profile of the organisation, the country specific context and the existing/potential available mechanisms.

The Expert should:

  • perform the desk review of the current LRCM policies, regulations and practices in place, as well as of the fundraising opportunities in the priority areas for LRCM; if necessary, consider one visit to Moldova;
  • develop, in consultation with LRCM, the draft long term fundraising strategy, identifying funding requirements and opportunities, specific fundraising activities and their timing, as well as responsibilities for fundraising within the organisation;
  • deliver expertise and consult LRCM on how to diversify and improve its funding base, by proposing new fundraising approaches that work, considering the profile of the organisation, the country specific context and the existing/potential available mechanisms.

Key deliverables:

  • design a clear fundraising sustainable strategy, identifying requirements and ways of funding opportunities. Recommend funding activities and their timing.

The strategy shall be presented in English or Romanian.


The period of assignment will be up to 16 working days, depending on expert’s fees and action plan from October to December 2019, with the final strategy to be delivered by 25 December 2019.


  • university degree in finance or another relevant field. A master or PhD degree in these fields or any relevant fundraising studies will be considered as an advantage;
  • record of participation in assignments of similar size and degree of complexity is as an advantage;
  • relevant professional experience (up to 5 years; experience with non-profit organization will be considered as an advantage);
  • knowledge of country specific context (Moldova / Central East European region) will be considered as an advantage;
  • experience of fundraising activity;
  • proficiency in English. Excellent writing and analytical methods and skills;
  • good personal and corporate reputation and integrity.


The cumulative method will be applied in the evaluation of the applications. The contract will be awarded to the candidate achieving the highest cumulative score from the technical and financial parts of the proposal. The technical proposal accounts for 70% of the total score and the financial proposal will account for 30% of the total evaluation score. The calculation criteria of the Financial Offer will be based on a percentage proportion, awarding 100% (equivalent to 30 points) to the lowest financial bid submitted. 

The offers will be evaluated based on the following criteria:


Max. point

Action plan


Relevant degree 


Relevant professional experience (experience with non-profit organization will be considered as an advantage) and fundraising experience


Knowledge of country specific context (Moldova / Central East European region)


Financial offer





Offers may be submitted by individual candidates and/or legal entities. The signed and dated offer must sent by e-mail to [email protected] or directly to the LRCM premises, 33, A. Sciusev street, Chisinau, MD-2001, by 8 October 2019, including the following components:

  • the copy of the registration certificate/extract for the legal person and the updated CV of the candidates, together with a Cover letter, which will contain: (1) interest in the assignment and a short description of previous portfolios/beneficiaries; (2) the name and contact details of two reference persons;
  • proposed action plan to achieve the key deliverables;
  • financial offer in USD, with the breakdown of costs (consultancy fee per number of anticipated working days, including costs for per diems, accommodation, local travel and travel to Moldova (1 (one) return trip). The offers presented in another currency will be converted at the official exchange rate of the National Bank of Moldova at the deadline date for submitting the offer.

For Moldovan candidates: (a) companies are invited to send their financial offers with the application of the VAT exemption with deduction right. The confirmative documents for VAT exemption will be presented by the beneficiary; (b) individual candidates – net amounts.

For foreign individual candidates/companies, if selected, the tax resident certificate issued by the relevant tax authority of the origin country will be requested. Upon presentation of the certificate of residence for tax purposes based on the Convention for the avoidance of double taxation, the Expert will have the sole responsibility for the payment of all applicable taxes relating to Expert and Expert’s employees arising from payments to be received.

 (!) Individual successful candidates should justify the requested fees by filling in a form (Contractor Employee Biographical Data Sheet in line with USAID requirements) indicating the fees received for similar services from at least three contractors, with the attachment of the supporting documents.

  • Declaration on conflicts of interest. In case of a conflict of interests, real or potential, with the members or employees of the LRCM, the bidder is obliged to declare it in a written document enclosed with the application.

 For further information, please contact us at +373 22 843601 ext.110 or e-mail: [email protected]

The LRCM is an inclusive and diversity-friendly employer. We value difference, promote equality and challenge discrimination, enhancing our organisational capability. We welcome and encourage application from all qualifying candidates. We do not discriminate on the basis of disability, race, colour, ethnicity, gender, religion, sexual orientation, age, marital or parental status or other category protected by law.

NOTE: The LRCM reserves the right not to choose any candidate in case the offers received will not meet the desired requirements mentioned in this ToR or its budget.