Cu mai puține cereri depuse la CtEDO, dar în top după numărul de cereri pendinte și hotărâri pronunțate

Chiar dacă în 2020 Curtea Europeană a Drepturilor Omului (CtEDO) a primit cel mai mic număr de cereri îndreptate împotriva Moldovei din ultimii 12 ani - 523 de cereri, Moldova se află pe locul 9 din cele 47 de țări membre ale Consiliului Europei după numărul de cereri adresate, se arată în analiza statisticii cauzelor moldovenești la CtEDO, efectuată de Centrul de Resurse Juridice din Moldova (CRJM).

Potrivit documentului, numărul mai mic de cereri în 2020 nu a schimbat statistica ultimilor ani și moldovenii s-au adresat la CtEDO de 3 ori mai des decât media europeană.

În 2020, CtEDO a pronunțat 32 hotărâri în cauzele moldovenești, Moldova fiind pe locul 7 din cele 47 de țări membre ale Consiliului Europei după numărul de hotărâri pronunțate. În cele 32 de hotărâri pronunțate în 2020, CtEDO a constatat 50 de violări ale Convenției Europene pentru Drepturile Omului (CEDO), majoritatea cărora se referă la activitatea judecătorilor. 15 din cele 50 de violări ale CEDO (30%) se referă la un singur articol al CEDO - art. 6 (dreptul la un proces echitabil).

Violari cedo 2020

Până la 31 decembrie 2020, CtEDO a pronunţat 473 de hotărâri în cauzele moldoveneşti. La acest capitol, Moldova devansează cu mult Germania, Spania, Portugalia sau Olanda, ţări care au aderat la CEDO cu mult timp înaintea Moldovei şi au o populaţie cu mult mai mare decât țara noastră.

În baza hotărârilor pronunțate în 2020, Republica Moldova a fost obligată să plătească EUR 2,102,675 (în total din 1997 - peste EUR 19,263,793.44).

La 31 decembrie 2020, 1,054 de cereri moldovenești așteptau să fie examinate și peste 95% dintre acestea au şanse mari de succes. Acest număr este aproape egal cu numărul total de cereri în baza cărora Moldova a fost condamnată în cei 23 de ani de când persoanele se pot plânge la CtEDO împotriva Moldovei.

Cauze pendinte cedo 2020

Nota analitică privind cauzele moldovenești la CtEDO poate fi descărcată aici.

Documentul a fost elaborat în cadrul proiectului „Asigurarea implementării în Moldova a unor standarde mai bune în domeniul drepturilor omului” implementat de CRJM cu susținerea financiară a Ambasadei Olandei.

Înregistrarea conferinței de presă în cadrul căreia au fost prezentate datele statistice privind cauzele moldovenești la CtEDO este disponibilă aici.


Moldova – in the top countries with the most applications and convictions to the ECtHR

In 2019, the Republic of Moldova was in the 5th place among the countries against which the European Court of Human Rights (ECtHR)  issued the most judgements. Moreover, Moldovans complained to the ECtHR 3.4 times more often than the European average. This is the conclusion made by the experts of the Legal Resources Centre from Moldova (LRCM) based on the analysis of the ECtHR's activity report for the previous year. 

In 2019, the ECtHR had delivered 54 judgements on Moldovan cases, ranking fifth out of the 47 member states of the Council of Europe. In this respect, Moldova is far ahead of Germany, Spain, or the Netherlands—the countries that have joined the European Convention on Human Rights (ECHR) long before Moldova and have a much larger population each than Moldova. In total, ECtHR had delivered 441 judgements on Moldovan cases. Most often Moldova was condemned by the ECtHR for the way judges or prosecutors applied the law.  

16 out of 54 judgements delivered by ECtHR against Moldova (approximately 30%) concerned violations of human rights in the Transnistrian region. In 2 of the 16 judgements concerning the Russian Federation, the Republic of Moldova was also condemned. The 16 judgements refer to 34 cases filed at the ECtHR.

In the case of Filin v. Moldova and the Russian Federation, our country was condemned for failure to satisfy the positive obligation to prevent the applicant’s arrest by the representatives of the
“MRT” authorities, and in the case of Negruță  for favoring and contributing to the applicant's detention and transmission to the Transnistrian militia.

As of 31 December 2019, 1,056 Moldovan applications were still pending before the court. More than 95% of them have high chances of success. This is more than all the applications in the cases lost by Moldova in the 22 years since people got the right to sue Moldova to the ECtHR. 

In 2019, the ECtHR received the smallest number of applications against Moldova in the last 12 years. However, per capita, the number of applications against Moldova was very high. In this respect, in 2019, Moldova ranked sixth out of the 47 member states of the Council of Europe.

Under all the ECtHR judgements and decisions issued by 31 December 2019, Moldova was obliged to pay over EUR 17.1 million (EUR 537,000 in 2019 only).

The analytical note on the situation of the Moldovan cases at the ECtHR can be downloaded here. The analytical notes for the previous years (2010-2018) can be found on the LRCM's web page. 

The analytical note was written in the framework of the project "Promoting rule of law in Moldova through civil society oversight", implemented by the LRCM with the support of the United States Agency for International Development (USAID). 

22 years of ECHR in the Republic of Moldova

On 12 September 1997, the Republic of Moldova became a party to the European Convention on Human Rights (ECHR). The Republic of Moldova committed to respect the rights guaranteed by it and recognized the jurisdiction of the European Court of Human Rights (ECtHR).

From 1997 to 31December 2018, the ECtHR registered more than 14,200 applications against Moldova. At 31 December 2018, 1,204 of them were still waiting to be examined. As regards the number of pending applications, Moldova ranks 11th out of the 47 ECHR member countries.

To date, the ECtHR issued 420 judgments in Moldovan cases, of which 33 in the first 9 months of 2019. The most frequent violations found by the ECtHR in Moldovan cases are non-execution of judgments, ill-treatment, inadequate investigation of ill-treatment and deaths, imprisonment in bad conditions, irreparable quashing of irrevocable court rulings.

Based on the judgements and decisions of the ECtHR issued by 31 December 2018, the Republic of Moldova was obliged to pay compensation of over EUR 16,600,000.

In order to increase the level of information of the society about the activity of ECtHR in Moldovan cases, the Legal Resources Centre from Moldova (LRCM) carried out analyzes for each year separately (period 2010-2018).

To facilitate the application of ECtHR standards at national level and to avoid similar deviations in future, the LRCM prepared a summary of all violations found by the ECtHR in the Republic of Moldova until 31 December 2017.

Similarly, LRCM analyzed the impact of the measures taken at national level to implement ECtHR rulings. LRCM has produced reports in this respect for the years 1997-2012 and 2013-2014.

In order for the society to enjoy all the benefits offered by the ECHR, its standards must be applied without reservation by the national authorities.

All ECtHR case law is available on the ECtHR website.