The Legal Resources Centre from Moldova (LRCM) and the Association for Participatory Democracy (ADEPT) monitored the selection process of the integrity inspectors. Between 12 April 2018 and 31 December 2019, the National Integrity Authority organized 6 contests for 43 vacancies. The contests were organized in 4 stages: applications review, written test, interview and polygraph examination.
Out of more than 135 submitted applications, 89 candidates were accepted for the written test. Out of these, 35 candidates passed the written test (with the average score 7.8), 25 – the interview (with the average score of 8.2), and 8 failed the polygraph examination. Finally, 17 integrity inspectors were selected. 19 candidates who failed in a contest participated at the following contests, 4 of them being selected as integrity inspectors. One candidate (contest no. 5) was selected as an integrity inspector, even though he was not accepted for the interview.
The contests lasted on average for 4 months (116 days), the shortest lasting for 60 days, and the longest – for 183 days.
The presented data are collected from the information available on the National Integrity Authority’s web page (www.ani.md).