The right to liberty and security
Opinie juridică pe marginea sesizării privind neconstituţionalitatea unor prevederi ale Legii cu privire la libertatea de exprimare
(Engleza) Briefing for the EU-Moldova Human Rights Dialogue, Impunity against torture and the activity of the Consultative Council for the Prevention of Torture
(Engleza) Briefing for the EU – Moldova Human Rights Dialogue, Moldova: Impunity for hate speech and hesitation of political actors create a fertile ground for discriminatory attitudes rooting inequality and prejudice
Capitolul 1 al Raportului Promo LEX privind Drepturile Omului pentru anii 2009-2010: Dreptul la viaţă, dreptul de a nu fi supus relelor tratamente
(Engleza) Briefing for the second round of the EU-Moldova Human Rights Dialogue, Ill-treatment in Moldova
(Engleza) Briefing for the EU – Moldova Human Rights Dialogue, Moldova: Discriminatory attitudes, impact on society and negative consequences from the Human Rights Perspective