Civil society makes an essential contribution to the development and realization of democracy and human rights, in particular by participating in public life and ensuring transparency in decision-making.
In this context, the Legal Resources Centre from Moldova (www.old2.old.crjm.org) analyses the transparency in the decision-making process at the level of the Parliament of the Republic of Moldova. The analysis aims to investigate the extent to which the Parliament of the Republic of Moldova ensures transparency in decision-making.
As a citizen or as an NGO representative you had for sure interactions with the Parliament, or you have encountered situations where public data was not sufficiently clear to you. Your experience is valuable to us and we urge you to share it with us. Please answer to our questionnaire available here: https://goo.gl/X1B3Vc.
The deadline for completing the questionnaire is October 10, 2018.
Thank you for your involvement!