CRJM și peste 50 de organizații non-guvernamentale susțin unul dintre candidați pentru funcția de Avocat al Poporului


Centrul de Resurse Juridice din Moldova și peste 50 de organizații non-guvernamentale din Republica Moldova au semnat o scrisoare de recomandare pentru susținerea domnului Ion Manole în calitate de candidat la funcția de Avocat al Poporului. Scrisoarea a fost transmisă Comisiei Parlamentare Speciale pentru selectarea candidaților la funcția de Avocat al Poporului și la funcția de Avocat al Poporului pentru protecția drepturilor Copilului.

Organizațiile non-guvernamentale au subliniat că domnul Ion Manole activează în domeniul protecției drepturilor omului din anul 2001 și are o experiență relevantă și o reputație ireproșabilă, întrunind cerințele stabilite de articolul 6 al Legii nr. 52 cu privire la Avocatul Poporului pentru funcția respectivă. Astfel, ținând cont de activitatea diversă în domeniul drepturilor omului și experiența relevantă a domnului Ion Manole, reprezentații organizațiilor non-guvernamentale îl recomandă pentru funcția de Avocat al Poporului.

Scrisoare de recomandare poate fi descărcată aici.


Mr. Gribincea is the Executive Director of the Legal Resources Centre from Moldova since 2010. He is in the NGO sector since 2002. His primary areas of expertise are justice reform and the European Convention on Human Rights.

He was involved as expert in the drafting of the Moldovan Justice Sector Reform Strategy for 2011-2016, as well as in the reform of the Moldovan legislation on organization of the judiciary, civil procedure and criminal procedure. Vladislav also led the group of experts that prepared the draft legislation for the reform of the Moldovan Prosecution service. He was also involved in the elaboration of the Moldovan Law on freedom of expression and of the Law on Governmental Agent.

Mr. Gribincea is member of the Moldovan Bar. Since 2002, he is representing applicants before the European Court of Human Right, as well as in strategic domestic litigations. He appeared before the European Court of Human Right in many landmark or particularly complex cases, such as Ilaşcu and Others v. Moldova and RussiaGuja v. MoldovaIvanţoc and Others v. Moldova and RussiaBoicenco v. MoldovaManole and Others v. Moldova, Iordachi and Others v. Moldova, or Urechean and Pavlicenco v. Moldova.

Mr. Gribincea did his bachelor and masters studies at the Law Faculty of the State University of Moldova. In 2005, he graduated from the Chevening Program at Nottingham University, United Kingdom. Vladislav trained judges, prosecutors, lawyers and students on European Convention on Human Righ. He is the author of numerous publications concerning European Convention on Human Rights and independence and efficiency of judiciary.

Vladislav is fluent in Romanian (native), English and Russian.


Nadejda HRIPTIEVSCHI is a founder and Justice and Human Rights Program Director at Legal Resources Centre from Moldova. In this capacity she is engaged in research, advocacy, fundraising, planning and management of the Justice Program. At LRCM she works on projects which promote independence and accountability of judiciary, equality and non-discrimination and implementation of international human rights standards in Moldova. Her primary areas of expertise include judiciary, legal aid and non-discrimination.

Nadejda Hriptievschi is a member of European Commission against Racism and Intolerance (ECRI) since 16 September 2013Nadejda is a member of the Bar Association of Moldova since June 2011. She serves as consultant on judiciary, criminal justice and human rights for different national and international organisations.

Between 2008 and 2012, Nadejda taught human rights (2010-2012) and criminal procedure (2008-2009) at the Law Faculty of the Moldova State University. She also served as consultant on legal aid, being closely involved in the legal aid reform in Moldova since 2003. She has worked with the first Public Defender Office in Moldova from 2007 to 2011. She was also engaged in legal aid reforms in Bulgaria, Georgia, Lithuania, Mongolia and Ukraine and participated in the creation of the Legal Aid Reformers’ Network. Nadejda has worked as Junior Legal Officer for Open Society Justice Initiative, Budapest, Hungary from January 2003 to December 2006. She did her internship within the Constitutional and Legal Policy Institute, Budapest, on national criminal justice program from August 2001 to December 2002 and within the Registry of the European Court of Human Rights, Strasbourg, France from April to June 2002.

Nadejda received a Master of Laws in Comparative Constitutional Law with additional specialisation in Human Rights at the Central European University, Budapest, in July 2001 and a law degree at the Moldova State University in June 2000.

Nadejda’s mother tongue is Romanian, she speaks fluently English and Russian, and has an intermediate knowledge of French.


Sorina Macrinici is an attorney and a researcher working on improving the Moldovan justice sector and combating discrimination. Starting with January 2018, Sorina is the Director of Civil Society and Democracy Program at the Legal Resources Centre from Moldova. Previously she had the position of a legal officer, working on the justice sector reform, reform of investigating judges and combating discrimination in the labor, education and social assistance fields, promotion of an enabling environment for civil society organizations.

Sorina has substantial experience of working on human rights issues. Since 2006 she has been involved in human rights litigation domestically and before the European Court of Human Rights. In 2010 Sorina served an internship at the European Court where she dealt with inadmissible cases against Moldova. In 2011 she was actively involved in reporting human rights violations and advocacy within the Universal Periodic Review of Moldova.

Sorina was awarded a Muskie scholarship and earned her LL.M. degree in International Human Rights from University of Notre Dame, Indiana, USA in May 2013. Between June and August 2013 she served an internship at the Maricopa County Superior Court in Phoenix, Arizona, where she was engaged with a wide range of court administration issues.

Sorina is fluent in Romanian (native), English and Russian.


Pavel Grecu is a Legal Officer at the Legal Resources Centre from Moldova since February 2013. His fields of activity are the European Convention of Human Rights, justice reform and anti-discrimination.

Mr Grecu has started his professional activity in 2011 as a lawyer at the Culture Department of the Chisinau City Hall. He was responsible for representing the Culture Department and the City Hall in national courts.

Mr Grecu did his bachelor and masters studies at the Law Faculty of the State University of Moldova.

Pavel is fluent in Romanian (native), English and Russian.


In 2013 Ilie CHIRTOACĂ was recruited as a volunteer to assist LRCM in its activities. In 2014 – 2015, Ilie obtained a legal internship and further, a legal assistant position, being responsible, among others, for collecting and systematizing information for research conducted by LRCM. Since 2016, Ilie is legal officer at LRCM. In this capacity, he carries out legal research, advocacy, project management and representation of the organization at the designated events & meetings.

Ilie’s primary legal expertise include justice reform and the legal framework in the not-for-profit sector. Ilie is particularly involved in monitoring and evaluating mechanisms and practice of selection and promotion of judges and prosecutors.

In 2015 – 2016 he contributed to the design of the Law and regulation mechanism on the percentage designation in Moldova (The 2% Law) as means to enhance financial sustainability for CSOs. Since 2016, he is a member of a working group drafting the new draft law on non-commercial organizations, with the aim to improve the registration and operational requirements for the not-for-profit sector in Moldova.

Ilie did his bachelor and masters studies at the Law Faculty of the State University of Moldova. In 2018 he was confered the LLM degree of Master of Laws in International Human Rights Law, from University of Essex, United Kingdom.

He is fluent in Romanian (native), English and Russian.