Author: Cibotaru Mihaela
Exchange of experience between the representatives of the integrity authorities from Romania and the Republic of Moldova
Integrity inspectors from the Republic of Moldova and Romania met today, October 22, in Chișinău to exchange experiences and practices on the procedure of control of assets and personal interests, regarding the compliance with the legal regime of conflicts of interests, incompatibilities, restrictions and limitations. Horațiu PĂTRAȘCU, judge at the High Court of Cassation and Justice, Nicoleta CREȚU and Mădălina VLASĂ, integrity inspectors from the National Integrity Agency of Romania represented the Romanian side.
In particular, during the event of 22-23 October, integrity inspectors and judges from Romania will share their experience regarding the initiation of the verification procedure, including the grounds for initiating it; the legality of initiating the control based on an anonymous petition; control of personal property and interests and identification of unjustified assets. The integrity inspectors will also discuss about the calculation of the substantial difference between income and wealth during public mandates, public functions or functions of public dignity; as well as about who are the people, other than the subject of control, over whom the control extends; proving the qualities of the cohabitee and the actual beneficiary.
The Romanian specialists will talk about their experience regarding the way of ordering the expertise to clarify the discrepancies between the declared and the real value of the goods mentioned in the declaration, as well as regarding the identification of the fictitious transactions, in order to hide the unjustified wealth, by concluding the contracts of sale at reduced price or by the conclusion of donation contracts. Other important topics will be the procedure of confiscation of unjustified assets and the procedure of sanctioning of dignitaries who benefit of immunity according to the Contravention Law; ensuring the institutional transparency regarding the activity of control and the interaction with the media and civil society.
The current meeting continues the discussions started in last spring between the representatives of the National Integrity Authority of the Republic of Moldova and those of the National Integrity Agency and judges from Romania regarding integrity in their work, the control of wealth and personal interests, the observance of the legal regime of conflicts of interests, incompatibilities, restrictions and limitations.
This event is organized within the project "Promoting the rule of law and contributing to strengthen the integrity system in Moldova" implemented by the Legal Resources Centre from Moldova in partnership with Expert Forum Romania, with the financial support of the Embassy of the Kingdom of the Netherlands.