Civil society organizations call on the Parliament not to infringe the law and to vote as soon as possible on the appointment of Mrs.Viorica PUICA as a judge at the Supreme Court of Justice

The signatory organizations call on the Parliament of the Republic of Moldova to adopt as soon as possible a decision regarding the appointment of Mrs. Viorica PUICA as a judge at the SCJ.

On 9 June 2020, the Superior Council of Magistracy (SCM) proposed the appointment of Judge Viorica PUICA to the Supreme Court of Justice (SCJ). Judge Puica was declared the winner in the contest for this position after competing with five other candidates. The SCM took this decision after evaluating the candidates' professional performance, previous experience in the position of judge and their performance at the interview with the SCM members. Mrs. Puica's candidature was supported by the majority of SCM members. None of the SCM members expressed a separate opinion against this proposal.

On 15 July 2020, the Parliament's Committee on Legal Affairs, Appointments and Immunities (Committee on Legal Affairs) did not support the appointment of Judge Puica as a judge at the SCJ. The Report of the Committee on Legal Affairs fails to provide any explanation, but merely mentions the lack of sufficient number of votes of the Committee members. The Committee on Legal Affairs did not interview the judge, as previously the Committee used to in similar instances, nor did they discuss Mrs. Puica's professional qualities. In a comment for Ziarul de Gardă, the member of the Committee on Legal Affairs Grigore NOVAC stated that "he cannot support a candidate he does not know well from a professional point of view". The acceptance of such an approach would mean that the members of the Committee on Legal Affairs could only support the judges they know. Such an approach is unfortunate and dangerous. Moreover, the approach of the Committee on Legal Affairs is not in line with the law, which allows the rejection of the candidate proposed by the SCM only if he/she is incompatible with the position of judge of the SCJ or if the procedure for his/her promotion was breached. The refusal of the Committee on Legal Affairs is not based on any of these reasons.

On 16 July 2020, the draft decision on the appointment of Mrs. Puica to the SCJ was included on the agenda of the Plenary Session of the Parliament. As proposed by the Speaker of the Parliament, this item was excluded from the agenda to be reviewed at the next session of the Parliament. At the next session of the Parliament held on 20 July 2020, the draft decision on appointment of Judge Puica was not on the agenda. A new session of the Parliament was scheduled for 23 July 2020, but it was cancelled shortly afterwards the Parliament decided to end the 2020 Parliament annual session. Over the last 10 years, the Parliament has ignored only one proposal of the SCM regarding the appointment of SCJ judges.

Judge Viorica PUICA has an impeccable reputation in the judiciary and is known as a person with unquestionable integrity and utmost professionalism. For 11 years, she taught the civil procedure law at the Faculty of Law of the State University of Moldova. In 2007, Mrs. Puica was nominated by the SCM as the best judge in Moldova. In 2018, during the last ordinary professional evaluation, her professional performance was rated "excellent". Rejection of such a candidate would send a warning signal to honest Moldovan judges and further undermine confidence in the existence of a genuine desire and will to reform the justice system.

The full version of the appeal is available here.

NOTE: Lately, judges from the Chisinau district Court (Centru Office), the Association of Judges of the Republic of Moldova "Voice of Justice" and the Association of Judges from Moldova joined the above appeal.

Radiography of attacks against non-governmental organizations of the Republic of Moldova (1 January – 31 December 2019)

Civil Society Organizations (CSOs) developed Radiography of attacks against non-governmental organizations from the Republic of Moldova, which aimed at discrediting CSOs and deteriorating their environment for activity.

The document includes tendentious or often false statements and actions by politicians or their public interventions that portray the non-profit sector as organizations promoting the interests of foreign countries or serving the interests of political parties. The attacks address the independent CSOs, after they have expressed their dissenting position regarding several actions and initiatives of the government. Usually, the attacks are found in little known online media resources that publish false or biased materials or politically affiliated mass media. The attacks that took place in 2019 focused mainly on some events such as the parliamentary elections in February  2019,  the  judiciary  reform  announced  by  SANDU  Government  in  the  summer  of  2019  or  the selection  of  judges  to  the  Constitutional  Court. 

The main purpose of this document is to draw attention to the orchestrated attacks on the CSOs and to determine public authorities, private institutions and individuals supporting those attacks to stop them and allow the CSOs to act freely. This document also aims to enable the CSOs to formulate a prompt response to attacks against them.

The phenomenon of attacks on the civil society is not an isolated issue characteristic for the Republic of Moldova, but rather a trend in the countries from the South Eastern region of Europe with a fragile level of democracy. The methods and tools by which this is done are becoming more and more sophisticated and widespread. One of the many negative outcomes of these actions is the constraint imposed on the CSOs and civic activists to self-censor or to ”scale back” on their activities. Based on the experience of other states in the region, stigmatization of the CSOs can be a precursor to some persecution actions by the state authorities.

The Romanian version of the document is available here.

The English version of the document is available here.

The Russian version of the document is available here.

This is the 3rd edition of the document and covers the period from 1 January to 31 December 2019. Similar analyses were developed for 2016, 2017 and 2018.


Demontăm mituri despre noul proiect de lege cu privire la organizațiile necomerciale

Centrul de Resurse Juridice din Moldova (CRJM) a elaborat un document ce explică principalele particularități ale noului proiect de lege cu privire la organizațiile necomerciale. Documentul demontează anumite „mituri” legate de acest proiect și explică prevederile reale ale acestuia.

Proiectul de lege nr. 109 îmbunătățește considerabil cadrul legal cu privire la organizațiile necomerciale și transpune cele mai bune practici și standarde cu privire la libertatea de asociere recomandate de către Comisia de la Veneția și OSCE/ODIHR. Proiectul simplifică înregistrarea organizațiilor necomerciale și înlătură structura rigidă de organizare internă impusă de legislația actuală. Acesta instituie interdicția absolută pentru organizațiile necomerciale de a susține candidații în alegeri și instituie limite clare privind relațiile dintre organizațiile necomerciale și partidele politice. De asemenea, proiectul de lege instituie legislația cadru privind finanțarea sau susținerea de către stat a organizațiilor necomerciale, un domeniu reglementat insuficient de către legislația actuală. Conform prevederilor proiectului de lege, vor fi limitate posibilitățile autorităților de a exercita presiuni asupra organizațiilor necomerciale și excluse limitările nejustificate pentru fondarea organizaților necomerciale de către anumite categorii de persoane. Proiectul nu impune reînregistrarea organizațiilor necomerciale.

Proiectul de lege nr. 109 a fost elaborat de un grup de lucru creat de Ministerul Justiției în 2016, din care au făcut parte și reprezentanți ai societății civile. El a fost supus repetat consultărilor publice de către Ministerul Justiției și a fost îmbunătățit în urma acestora, având și toate avizele necesare, inclusiv avizul CNA și cele ale comisiilor de specialitate vizate. Proiectul a fost susținut de Comisia Juridică, Numiri și Imunități a Parlamentului în ședința din 28 mai 2020 pentru votare în lectura a doua.

Documentul în limba română este disponibil AICI.