The LRCM is the target of new attacks that are based on fake news and misinformation, aimed to discredit the organization and its views regarding the justice reform in the Republic of Moldova.
The last attack was launched on 1 October 2019 on a news portal with a suspicious reputation, through an anonymous article, full of fake news and insinuations, which targeted the LRCM and was published without contacting us in this regard. The attack emerged just after the LRCM experts expressed their critical views on the organization of the General Assembly of Judges that took place on 27 September 2019. The same text was also distributed among the judges, before it was published by the mentioned above portal. This article aims to keep the focus away from serious problems in the judiciary system and compromise both the LRCM, as an organization, and the public positions of its experts.
The article does not respect any deontological rules of journalism, but follows, in a loyal manner, the rules of misinformation: it has no author, it reflects imaginative speculations and denigrating allegations with no real grounds, it does not present the opinion of the person concerned, etc. Subsequently, this information is reproduced by other websites with suspicious reputation and promoting politically engaged messages. This way of misinformation has been widely documented in the Radiography of attacks against non-governmental organizations from the Republic of Moldova.
Taking into account the fake news promoted by the propaganda and misinformation channels, the LRCM clarifies:
- The LRCM is a non-profit organization, independent and politically non-affiliated, which works in the interest of the society, and not for its members or political parties.
- We have been monitoring the situation in the judiciary of the Republic of Moldova for almost a decade.Our analytical documents and activities in the field of justice can be found on our web page and can be used by all stakeholders interested in the reform of the judiciary.
- The LRCM supports genuine reforms in the field of justice aimed to strengthen the independence of the judiciary system; reforming of the Supreme Court of Justice; ensuring transparency and accountability of the Superior Council of Magistracy; the selection, evaluation and promotion of judges based on merits; empowering judges, etc. All our recommendations on justice, suggested to the new Government, were published on 19 July 2019 in the White Paper on Good Governance.
- Since LRCM foundation in 2010, the organization has provided recommendations to all governments and administration bodies of the judiciary regarding the reform and functioning of the judiciary in the Republic of Moldova.
- We will continue to monitor the judiciary and make proposals to have an independent, efficient and responsible judiciary, carried out by honest and professional people, full of integrity, who cannot be intimidated by the attacks and misinformation they might be subject of.
- The LRCM has monitored the Extraordinary Assembly of Judges as of 27 September 2019. The LRCM representatives publicly expressed their opinion regarding this event, as well as regarding the events that preceded the general assembly. Convocation of judges to discuss the issues of the judiciary is necessary and should have been designated by the Superior Council of Magistracy (SCM), within a reasonable timeframe. Forcing this to be organized through judges’ decisions at the lighting speed was not the right thing to happen, thus only damaged more the justice image. The decisions of the Extraordinary General Assembly as of 27 September 2019 regarding the dismissal of the members of the SCM are against the law and create a dangerous precedent. Also, the Assembly amended the regulation on the operation of the General Assembly with regards to the procedure of the SCM members’ election, without discussing these amendments and sharing them at least to the judges before the voting. Such actions only harm the image of the judicial system.
- The LRCM informs about its activities and the use of the received funds in a transparent way. The LRCM is submitting financial and narrative reports, to each donor, providing detailed reporting on how the received money was spent per each activity. We also carry out an annual audit of the funds received, including for every single project separately. The results of the audit are submitted to the donors and are included in our activity reports, which are published on the LRCM website.
- The LRCM has a verification mechanism of complaints concerning the illegal or unethical behaviour, as well as any suspicion of corruption, fraud or conflicts of interest within the LRCM. All complaints can be submitted to [email protected] and will be sent directly to the Management Board of the LRCM that will examine them.
The LRCM has already been previously a target of attacks, which become more intensive in specific periods, particularly when we publicly express critical attitudes.
The LRCM will continue to support the promotion of democratic values and good governance, in order to strengthen democracy and the rule of law in the Republic of Moldova. We urge anyone to contact us to obtain information of public interest about the LRCM, before publishing any materials about the LRCM. Also, we urge the public to assess carefully the anonymous news or materials, which come from unknown or suspicious channels.