Solicităm oferte pentru achiziția biletelor de avion și cazare în afara țării

I. Prezentare generală:

Centrul de Resurse Juridice din Moldova (CRJM) este o organizație non-guvernamentală cu sediul în Chișinău, creată în noiembrie 2010 de un grup de juriști, care contribuie la consolidarea democrației și a statului de drept în Republica Moldova, cu accent pe justiție și drepturile omului. CRJM realizează activități de cercetare și advocacy și este o organizație independentă și neafiliată politic.

În vederea implementării obiectivelor sale, Asociația solicită achiziționarea de bilete de avion pe rute externe pentru deplasările membrilor echipei și experților contractați de CRJM. Astfel, prestatorii vor asigura servicii de transport aerian internațional ocazional de pasageri (clasa economic) și servicii conexe (rezervare și emitere bilete de tren pe curse internaționale, servicii de rezervări hoteliere, servicii de transport de la/la aeroport și polițe de asigurare de sănătate) pentru membrii şi experții contractați de Asociație. 

II. Rezultatele așteptate:

Asigurarea serviciilor menționate mai sus se va face prin încheierea de contracte de prestări servicii pe o perioadă de 2 ani (martie 2020 – martie 2022), cu minim 3 – maxim 5 agenții, care vor fi contractate subsecvent prin reluarea competiției, ori de câte ori va apărea necesitatea organizării unor deplasări internaționale.

III. Cerinţe minime obligatorii:

  1. Prestatorul se angajează să soluționeze toate solicitările de călătorie/deplasare cu avionul în străinătate (clasa, categoria, ruta), precum și de cazare în străinătate (hoteluri de 3 sau 4 stele, mic dejun inclus, alte facilități acordate) în funcție de necesitățile Asociaţiei. Asociația poate preciza în invitația de participare (care se va transmite tuturor ofertanților selectați) pentru încheierea contractului subsecvent, categoria și/sau denumirea unității hoteliere și/sau cursa aeriană, precum și dacă zborul va fi cu sau fără escală.
  2. Prestatorul va pune la dispoziția reprezentanților Asociaţiei, care efectuează deplasările, asigurările medicale aferente perioadei deplasării, la solicitarea Asociației.
  3. Prestatorul trebuie să asigure deplasarea prin curse aeriene directe, fără escala pentru acele destinații unde companiile aeriene operează direct la/de la Chișinău. Asociația va utiliza, după caz, curse directe cu escală sau curse indirecte, în cazul în care nu există curse directe, fără escală, sau acestea sunt anulate, sau orarul curselor nu corespunde necesitaților Asociației. Pentru destinațiile unde nu există curse directe, fără escală se acceptă curse directe cu escală sau indirecte, escala nedepășind un interval de 4 ore între zboruri. Soluţiile oferite de prestator trebuie sặ reprezinte cea mai convenabilă şi rapidă modalitate de deplasare.
  4. Cazarea trebuie să fie într-un perimetru rezonabil faţă de destinaţia finală a persoanelor care efectuează deplasarea (pe o rază de maxim 5 km faţă de adresa de destinație, în interiorul localităţii).
  5. La solicitarea Asociaţiei, prestatorul trebuie să asigure și/sau să acorde asistenţă şi informaţii pentru identificarea opţiunilor de transfer de la/la aeroport la locul de cazare/destinaţie. Nu se acceptă efectuarea deplasărilor în cazul unui grup cu aceeaşi destinaţie cu avioane/pe rute diferite, nici cazarea în locaţii diferite.
  6. Prestatorul va furniza numere de telefon pentru asistenţa de urgenţă. Asistenţa pentru situaţiile neprevăzute, urgenţe va fi acordată 24 ore din 24, 7 zile din 7.
  7. În cazul anulării unor curse sau altor situaţii neprevăzute, prestatorul se obligă să găsească variante alternative de transport, în cel mai scurt timp posibil, astfel încât reprezentanţii Asociației să ajungă/revină la/de la locul şi data solicitate în comandă. De asemenea, dacă în situaţiile de mai sus, este imposibilă respectarea datei de începere a cazării, prestatorul se obligă să anunţe unitatea de cazare la care a făcut rezervare, astfel încât Asociația să nu fie supusă la plata de penalităţi. Orice costuri suplimentare cauzate de neîndeplinirea de către Prestator a obligaţiilor menţionate mai sus vor fi suportate de către acesta din urmă.
  8. Tarifele extrasezon, ofertele speciale/promoţionale primite de către prestatorii de servicii vor fi aplicate corespunzător Asociației în etapa de reofertare.
  9. Ofertanţii vor preciza numele și datele de contact (telefon fix, telefon mobil, adresa de e-mail, etc.) ale persoanelor responsabile, care vor răspunde prioritar la solicitările Asociației pentru informaţii și oferte.

IV. Metodologie de lucru

  1. Asociația va transmite prestatorilor selectați o solicitare de participare la reofertare, prin e-mail, cu toate detaliile despre deplasarea ce urmează a fi efectuată, cu minim 3 zile lucrătoare înainte de data deplasării. Pentru deplasări neprevăzute, impuse de desfăşurarea evenimentelor pe plan internaţional, solicitarea se va transmite cu minim 48 ore înainte de data deplasării, sau, în situaţii de urgentă, în aceeaşi zi.
  2. Pentru a realiza transmiterea concomitentă a cererilor de reofertare către toţi prestatorii selectați, Asociația va utiliza ca modalitate de comunicare e-mail-ul.
  3. Prestatorii vor transmite oferta, în termenul stabilit în invitația la reofertare, prin e-mail, în care se va menţiona preţul oferit. În ofertă se va preciza preţul total al serviciilor, pentru varianta de deplasare care corespunde cerinţelor specificate în invitaţia de participare la reofertare.
  4. În ofertă se va preciza şi termenul limită de efectuare a rezervărilor, respectiv de emitere a biletului de avion, voucher-ului de cazare, asigurărilor medicale, după caz.
  5. După expirarea termenului stabilit în invitația de reofertare, pentru depunerea ofertelor, Asociația va înştiinţa în termen de maxim 24 ore prestatorii cu privire la rezultatul reofertării şi va selecta prestatorul, care a prezentat cea mai bună ofertă, în baza raportului cea mai convenbilă și rapidă modalitate de deplasare/ cel mai mic preţ.

V. Criteriile de selectare:

Prestatorii trebuie să întrunească următoarele criterii:

  • Experiență în domeniu (minim 3 ani), probată prin portofoliul de clienți;
  • Timpul de reacție la cererile de reofertare (cel mult 24 de ore);
  • Termenul pentru menținerea rezervărilor biletelor de avion;
  • Asistență turistică 24/7 și în caz de urgență;
  • Discount la prețul biletului de avion. Dacă da, valoarea acestuia;
  • Disponibilitatea agenției de a face procurarea serviciilor fără plata în avans;
  • Livrarea documentelor la sediul CRJM (constituie un avantaj);
  • Reputația și imaginea agenției (criteriu analizat în baza referințelor prezentate).

Oferta de participare la concurs va conține informație concisă (conform Anexei atașate) cu indicarea următoarelor:

  1. Date despre agenție (denumirea, telefonul de contact, adresa electronică, persoana responsabilă);
  2. Copia certificatul de înregistrare al agenției / extrasul din Registrul de Stat  al companiei și copia licenței;
  3. Experiența / portofoliul de clienți din ultimii 3 ani (portofoliul poate fi expediat electronic, pe suport de hârtie sau indicând link-ul unde poate fi accesat acesta);
  4. Referinţele de la 2 persoane cu care ați colaborat în ultimii 3 ani (datele de contact). Prin depunerea dosarului, ofertantul consimte implicit verificarea de către CRJM a informației furnizate.
  5. Serviciile oferite (rezervare bilete de avion, rezervare hoteluri, organizare transferuri, asigurare medicală de călătorie, asistență de urgență, livrare de documente la sediu, procurare servicii fără plată în avans, oferire discount etc.), cu indicarea termenelor de reacție / asistență / menținere a rezervărilor de bilete;
  6. În cazul existenței unui conflict de interese, real sau potențial, ofertantul se obligă să-l declare în baza unei declarații completate în formă liberă și anexate la ofertă.

Atenție! Agențiile care au colaborat anterior cu CRJM nu trebuie să prezinte portofoliu de clienți și referințe.

Ofertele vor fi expediate prin e-mail la [email protected] până la 17 martie 2020.

Pentru informații suplimentare, Vă rugăm să ne contactați la numărul de telefon 022 843601 sau la adresa de e-mail: [email protected].

Notă: CRJM își rezervă dreptul să nu aleagă nicio agenție în cazul în care ofertele primite nu vor corespunde cerințelor sale.

CRJM este o organizație care promovează incluziunea și diversitatea. Noi valorificăm diferențele, promovăm egalitatea și abordăm frontal comportamente discriminatorii, astfel consolidând capacitatea organizațională. Toate agențiile calificate sunt încurajate să aplice. Noi nu discriminăm în funcție de dizabilitate, rasă, culoare, etnie, gen, religie, orientare sexuală, vârstă, stare civilă, statut parental sau orice alt criteriu protejat prin lege.


Date despre agenție (denumirea, adresa poștală, telefonul de contact, adresa electronică, persoana responsabilă)


Experiență în domeniu (minim 3 ani) și portofoliul de clienți (poate fi expediat electronic, pe suport de hârtie sau indicând link-ul unde poate fi accesat acesta)



Serviciile oferite






Rezervare bilete de avion




Rezervare hoteluri




Organizare transferuri




Asigurare medicală de călătorie




Asistență turistică 24/7 și în caz de urgență




Discount la prețul biletului de avion. Dacă da, valoarea acestuia




Disponibilitatea agenției de a face procurarea serviciilor fără plata în avans




Livrarea documentelor la sediul CRJM (factura, asigurare de călătorie, anexe/acte la contract) (constituie un avantaj)




Existența conflictului de interese





Minim / ore

Maxim / ore


Timpul de reacție la cererile de reofertare




Termenul pentru menținerea rezervărilor biletelor de avion










Semnătura persoanei responsabile: __________________






PUBLIC CALL The civil society organizations call the Parliament to pass Draft Law No. 109 on Noncommercial Organizations in its final reading without amendments that could hinder the NGOs’ work

In March 2016, the Ministry of Justice started the work on a new Law on Noncommercial Organizations. The draft law was part of the National Action Plan for the implementation of the Association Agreement with the European Union for 2017 – 2019. The draft law was prepared by a working group-which also included civil society representatives-set up by the Ministry of Justice.

The new draft law transposes the best practice and standards concerning freedom of association, recommended by the Venice Commission and OSCE/ODIHR. The draft law limits the possibilities for authorities to exert pressure on noncommercial organizations and excludes unjustified limitations on setting up nonprofits by persons from certain categories. In addition, the draft law simplifies the registration of noncommercial organizations and their rigid internal organizational structure imposed by current laws. The draft law does not require the repeated registration of noncommercial organizations and does not restrict foreign funding for them. As for political activities, the draft law completely prohibits noncommercial organizations from supporting election candidates and sets clear limits on the relationship between noncommercial organizations and political parties. The draft law also establishes the legal framework concerning the government financing or support for noncommercial organizations —a field that has been insufficiently regulated by current laws. The Ministry of Justice put the draft law to repeated public consultation and improved it based on the received feedback.

The draft law passed its first reading in Parliament on 3 May 2018. Since then, the draft law has garnered all required endorsements, including from the National Anticorruption Centre (NAC) and the relevant specialized committees. Although the enactment of the draft law in the final reading should have been a natural follow-up, the Parliament has been putting off the final reading for 22 months now.

The lack of a new legal framework on noncommercial organizations has perpetuated issues with the application of the legislation on noncommercial organizations. The March 2019 amendments intended to bring the Civil Code up to date and supposed to be voted along with the draft Law on Noncommercial Organizations added other difficulties, including the impossibility to set up the association form “the union of legal entities”. All these changes are provided for in the draft law in question. The failure to pass the new law also causes financial difficulties for noncommercial organizations. Currently, the Public Services Agency levies the same taxes on NGOs for certain types of services as on commercial legal entities, which is unreasonable.

The signatory organizations call the Parliament and all parliamentary groups:

  • To pass draft Law on Noncommercial Organizations No. 109 in the final reading as soon as possible but not later than by the end of March 2020;
  • To reject the amendments that can hinder the work of noncommercial organizations, especially those that limit freedom of expression or the noncommercial organizations’ possibility to advocate for public policies or to access foreign funds. Such limitations are incompatible with a genuinely democratic society and with the standards of the Council of Europe;
  • To consult civil society organizations about any proposed amendment to the draft law in a transparent and inclusive way. Since the draft law was prepared in collaboration with representatives of the civil society sector, we request that they be involved in the discussions related to the completion of the draft law for the second reading.

Signatory organizations:

  1. Legal Resources Centre of Moldova (LRCM)
  2. Amnesty International Moldova (AIM)
  3. Association of Independent Press (API)
  4. Expert-Grup
  5. Institute for European Policies and Reforms (IPRE)
  6. The Community WatchDog.MD
  7. Contact Center
  8. The Association for Participatory Democracy “ADEPT”
  9. East Europe Foundation (EEF)
  10. Promo-LEX Association
  11. The Center “Partnership for Development”
  12. Independent Journalism Center (IJC)
  13. Association for Efficient and Responsible Governance (AGER)
  14. Center for Investigative Journalism (CIJ)
  15. International Center “La Strada”
  16. Institute for Public Policy (IPP)
  17. IDIS Viitorul
  18. CPR-Moldova
  19. Soros Foundation -Moldova
  20. Institutum Virtutes Civilis
  21. Rehabilitation Centre for Torture Victims “Memoria”
  22. Center for Training and Organizational Consulting (CICO)

The document in English is available here:  

The document in Romanian is available here: 

Contact point: Ilie CHIRTOACA, Legal Resources Centre of Moldova (LRCM), tel. 022 843 601 or email [email protected]


Moldovan NGOs representatives have learned how to effectively implement an information campaign on the 2% mechanism

On 28 February 2020, 15 representatives of non-governmental organizations (NGOs) from Moldova participated in the training workshop "How to effectively carry out a 2% information campaign". During one day they learned how to effectively communicate about the 2% mechanism to their beneficiaries and supporters and how to promote their cause to raise funds.

During the training, the participants learned about the stages of a 2% communication campaign, techniques for identifying the target group and the resources needed to carry out such a campaign. There were also practical exercises to develop a message that corresponds to the proposed objectives. Also, participants were guided in the use of a free digital tool to be able to create promotional materials that are attractive to the public.

The workshop served as a space for the exchange of experience between NGO representatives on their successes and challenges encountered in communicating with their public about the 2% mechanism.

The event was held within the project "Promoting rule of law in Moldova through civil society oversight", implemented by the Legal Resources Centre from Moldova with the financial support of the United States Agency for International Development (USAID).

LRCM seeks to contract a consultant / team of consultants to undertake the external evaluation of the implementation of a USAID project

2 March 2020

The Legal Resources Centre from Moldova (LRCM) is a non-profit organization that contributes to strengthening democracy and the rule of law in the Republic of Moldova with emphasis on justice and human rights. Our work includes research and advocacy. We are independent and politically non-affiliated.

The LRCM promotes an independent, efficient, and accountable judiciary, respect of human rights, an enabling environment for civil society and democracy. For that end, we identify problems with systemic impact, bring them into the public agenda, propose solutions, react to abuses and mobilize partners for changes in good. More information on LRCM activity is available at


In October 2016, the LRCM started the implementation of the project “Promoting the Rule of Law in Moldova through civil society oversight”, supported by the U.S. Agency for International Development (hereinafter the USAID funded project). The project purpose is to improve rule of law and accountability of the justice system in Moldova via active civil society oversight and participation in decision-making processes. The period of implementation of the project is October 2016 – September 2020. Total budget of the project - USD 1,200,000.

The project objectives are the following:

  • to promote an enabling environment for civil society organizations (CSOs) - to achieve this result, LRCM aims to reach the following sub-results: (i) Legislation on the creation and operation of CSOs and their public utility status will be improved and CSOs will be informed on the new legal requirements; (ii) A new legal framework on the percentage designations (2%) will be adopted and applied since 2017 and CSOs and taxpayers will be informed on the procedures to designate and -to access the mechanism; (iii) Legislation will be amended to improve the process of legislative public consultation at the Parliamentary level. The legal framework will be improved for ensuring fiscal and financial sustainability of CSOs. CSOs will be empowered to make use of the new fiscal regulations and participation in drafting laws/public policies at the level of the Parliament.
  • to increase the accountability and transparency of the Moldovan justice system - to achieve this result, LRCM aims to reach the following sub-results: (i) The general public and donor community will be informed of the current activity and problems in the judiciary; (ii) Transparency of SCM will increase as a result of consistent CSO and media attention; (iii) The criteria, mechanisms and practice of selection and promotion of judges will be amended to lead to merit based decisions; (iv) The impact of the reforms will be assessed and proposals made to the public authorities to increase; (v) Transparency, efficiency and accountability of the justice system. The plan for building of courthouses to implement the 2016 Law on reorganization of the court system (optimization of judicial map) approved by the Parliament.
  • to promote effective implementation of European human rights standards in Moldova - to achieve this result, LRCM aims to reach the following sub-results: (i) The public will be informed of ECHR violations regarding Moldova and the need for change; hence social pressure on Moldovan authorities will determine them to comply with the ECHR standards; (ii) The skills of trained judges, prosecutors and lawyers will be improved to apply in practice the ECHR standards; (iii) A new system of effective execution of the ECtHR judgments by Moldova will be set up; (iv) The Law on ensuring equality will be amended to strengthen the status of the Non-Discrimination Council, in particular the power to apply sanctions for discrimination. Analysis of court cases on discrimination will be carried out and weaknesses in interpretation highlighted for further improvement; (v) In the long term, the principle of equality and non-discrimination will be fully implemented via Non-Discrimination Council jurisprudence and judicial practice.
  • to strengthen the institutional capacity and to ensure the sustainability of LRCM - to achieve this result, LRCM aims to reach the following sub-results: (i) LRCM’s ability to monitor and react promptly to important decisions related to rule of law and human rights in Moldova will be improved; (ii) LRCM will be able to effectively cooperate with mass media and opinion leaders to promote qualitative debates and media coverage on justice, human rights and civil society participation; (iii) Annual activity reports will be drafted and distributed to partners, donors and posted on the LRCM website; (iv) A new LRCM Strategy for 2018-2021 will be adopted, which will include new methods for ensuring LRCM’s financial sustainability; (iv) Communication skills will be enhanced that will allow better collaboration within LRCM and with relevant stakeholders, improving LRCM’s activities in general; (v) The internal policies and staff performance will be improved to allow LRCM to effectively carry out its mandate.

Direct beneficiaries:

  • Civil society organizations
  • Judges, prosecutors, lawyers
  • Superior Council of Magistracy
  • Parliament, Government

Indirect beneficiary:

  • Society of the Republic of Moldova

3 years (2016-2019) of project implementation (in numbers)


SCM sittings monitored


Legal opinions submitted to authorities


Working group memberships


Public reactions launched


Public events & workshops organized


Publications on relevant topics


Infographics on issues of public interest


Newsletters in Romanian, Russian and English


Strategic litigation cases & 1 amicus curiae


Case won before the European Court


Survey for CSOs


Press clubs with journalists


Briefs to IGOs (Council of Europe & UN SR HRD)


Meeting with Moldova’s development partners


LRCM seeks to contract a consultant / team of consultants (hereinafter referred to as - the Consultant) to undertake the external evaluation of the implementation of the project mentioned above.  

Objectives of the Evaluation

The objectives of this evaluation are to:

  • Undertake an evaluation to assess the project’s:

a) Relevance – the extent to which the objectives were consistent with beneficiaries’ needs and priorities;

b) Effectiveness – the extent to which the targeted project objectives were achieved (or are expected to be achieved);

c) Efficiency – how economically resources/inputs were converted into results;

d) Sustainability – the extent to which the benefits are likely to continue after the project;

e) Impact – where possible, the long-term effects produced by the project (directly, indirectly, intended, unintended, positive and negative);

  • Provide recommendations for future improvements / planning.

Illustrative questions directed at evaluating the project activities, in each of the project objectives, might include (but are not limited to) the following domains:

  • To what extent the activities undertaken by the project team lead to a more conducive Legal framework for a more effective and sustainable CSO sector?;
  • To what extent the activities undertaken by the project team increased the ability of CSO to participate in the decision process, particularly at the parliamentary level?;
  • How has the project influenced the CSO sector, and what capacities has it built, if any?;
  • To what extent active monitoring of judicial institutions, such as the Superior Council of Magistracy, by LRCM increased the institutions transparency?;   
  • To what extent the studies and policy proposals drafted by the project team contributed to ensure a more transparent and accountable justice system in Moldova?
  • To what extent the activities undertaken by the project team enabled professionals to use and apply human rights standards in their daily work?;
  • To what extent the research and written submissions drafted under the project objectives have informed the national stakeholders and international fora?
  • To what extent the implemented activities under the institutional program component strengthened LRCM’s watchdog and institutional capacities?
  • Is there evidence that the initiatives started under the project are likely to grow – scaling up and out – beyond the project life?

The evaluation shall focus on the period of October 2016 – 30 September 2020 (the date of completion of the project).


The evaluation assignment is expected to be conducted in a consultative and participatory way. LRCM expects the Consultant to use the following methods: desk study and review of LRCM regulatory documentation including project documents, activity reports, interviews with the staff, donors and direct beneficiaries (face-to-face interviews when possible), as well as other methods as deemed appropriate by the Consultant. The Consultant shall draft the methodology and consult it with LRCM prior to initiating the evaluation. Critical reflection and learning is integral to this process. The Consultant is expected to plan and ensure the engagement of the LRCM staff in evaluation process.


The Consultant shall provide the following deliverables:

  • Methodology / action plan, including evaluation tools;
  • A draft evaluation report of the USAID supported project implementation, to be submitted to LRCM for comments;
  • A final evaluation report on the implementation of the USAID supported project, which will cover at least the following: executive summary, brief project background, main findings relating to the evaluation questions and including detail of any unintended outcomes that are resulting from project activities, recommendations for future action.

All deliverables shall be presented in English. The exact report format will be agreed upon with the Consultant prior to commencing the assignment.


The evaluation shall be conducted between 15 July – 31 August 2020, with the final Evaluation report to be delivered by 15 September 2020.


The Consultant (company or individual) shall have proven experience in project evaluation with at least 5 years of experience. Additional requirements include:

  1. good knowledge of Moldovan or regional rule of law context;
  2. record of participation in minimum two assignments of similar evaluation or degree of complexity;
  3. solid experience in project cycle management;
  4. experience in evaluation of the projects implemented by civil society organizations. Previous experience in evaluation of the USAID funded projects is an advantage;
  5. excellent writing, reporting and communication skills;
  6. university degree in Law, Political Sciences, Democracy, Public Policy, International Development. Master’s degree in the same fields is an advantage;
  7. proficiency in English. Knowledge of Romanian or Russian is an advantage.

Persons who directly benefited from the implementation or provided services within the project are not eligible.


The cumulative method will be applied in the evaluation of the applications. The contract will be awarded to the candidate achieving the highest cumulative score from the technical and financial parts of the proposal. The technical proposal accounts for 70% of the total score and the financial proposal will account for 30% of the total evaluation score. The calculation criteria of the Financial Offer will be based on a percentage proportion, awarding 100% (equivalent to 30 points) to the lowest financial bid submitted. 

The offers will be evaluated based on the following criteria:


Max. point



Envisaged methodology and action plan, including evaluation tools for the assignment


Knowledge of Moldovan or regional rule of law context


University degree in Law, Political Sciences, Democracy, Public Policy, International Development


Experience in project cycle management


Experience in evaluation of the projects implemented by the civil society organisations / in evaluation of the USAID funded projects


Record of participation in minimum two assignments of similar evaluation or degree of complexity


Financial offer






Offers may be submitted by individual candidates and/or legal entities. The signed and dated offer shall be sent by e-mail to [email protected] by 30 March 2020, including the following components:

  • the copy of the registration certificate/extract for the legal person and the updated CV of the candidates, together with a Cover letter, which will contain: (1) interest in the assignment and a short description of previous portfolios/beneficiaries, including links or attached two most relevant similar assignments; (2) the name and contact details of two reference persons;
  • An outline of the envisaged methodology for the assignment (outlining the overall approach and suggested methods ), including a proposed plan of action to achieve the key deliverables with timelines;
  • financial offer in USD, with the breakdown of costs (consultancy fee per number of anticipated working days, including costs for per diems, accommodation, local travel and travel to Moldova (1(one) return trip). Offers submitted in any other currency will be converted at the official exchange rate of the National Bank of Moldova at the deadline date for submitting the offers;

For local resident candidates: (a) legal entities are invited to send their financial offers with the application of the VAT exemption with deduction right. The confirmative documents for VAT exemption will be presented by the beneficiary; (b) individual candidates – net amounts.

For foreign individual candidates/legal entities, if selected, the tax resident certificate issued by the relevant tax authority of the origin country will be requested. Upon presentation of the certificate of residence for tax purposes based on the Convention for the avoidance of double taxation, the Consultant will have the sole responsibility for the payment of all applicable taxes relating to Expert and Expert’s employees arising from payments to be received.

(!) Individual successful candidates should justify the requested fees by filling in a form (Contractor Employee Biographical Data Sheet in line with USAID requirements) indicating the fees received for similar services from at least three contractors, with the attachment of the supporting documents.

  • declaration on conflict of interests. In case of a conflict of interests, real or potential, with the members or employees of the LRCM, the candidate is obliged to declare it in a written document enclosed with the application.

Disbursement and payment modalities will be agreed upon by both parties and specified in the contract with the Consultant. 

For any clarifications on the assignment, please e-mail at [email protected].

NOTE: LRCM reserves the right not to choose any candidate in case the offers received do not meet the desired requirements mentioned in this ToR.

LRCM is an inclusive and diversity-friendly employer. We value difference, promote equality and challenge discrimination, enhancing our organisational capability. We welcome and encourage application from all qualifying candidates. We do not discriminate on the basis of disability, race, colour, ethnicity, gender, religion, sexual orientation, age, marital or parental status or other category protected by law.