Support Integrity and Anticorruption efforts in Moldova through active civil society oversight
The project's objective is to improve anticorruption policies and promote transparent and accountable operation of state anticorruption agencies.
The project's objective is to improve anticorruption policies and promote transparent and accountable operation of state anticorruption agencies.
În acest an, marcăm 11 ani de la evenimentele tragice din 7 aprilie 2009, când peste 600 de persoane au fost maltratate, reținute și bătute cu cruzime, nu au beneficiat de o justiție independentă și echitabilă, au fost deținute în condiții inumane, fără apă și mâncare. În acele zile de groază, cel puțin cinci persoane și-au pierdut viața în condiții suspecte. Totuși, statul și-a asumat doar un singur deces.
Organizațiile semnatare consideră dosarul 7 aprilie unul EȘUAT. Toate persoanele cu funcție de răspundere au fost achitate sau scoase de sub urmărire penală. Toți torționarii au scăpat basma curată.
Reamintim că oficial au fost înregistrate și examinate, în special de Procuratura militară Chișinău și Procuratura mun. Chișinău, 108 sesizări cu privire la infracțiuni comise de factori de decizie și ofițeri de poliție. În 31 de cazuri procurorii s-au autosesizat din materiale apărute în presă sau din declarații. În 71 de cazuri au fost pornite dosare penale, dintre care, 42 pentru tortură și 19 pentru exces de putere sau depășirea atribuțiilor de serviciu. Curtea Europeană pentru Drepturile Omului a condamnat Moldova în 8 cauze, cu referire la dosarul 7 aprilie 2009, iar alte peste 40 de cereri cu sunt în curs de examinare.
Organizațiile semnatare sunt îngrijorate că după 11 ani de la evenimentele din aprilie 2009, persoanele cu funcții de răspundere au continuat să dețină funcții de conducere în cadrul diferitor instituții pentru că au beneficiat de impunitate sau au fost achitate de către instanțele de judecată.
Considerăm că organele de urmărire penală și ale procuraturii nu au depus eforturile necesare pentru aducerea în fața justiției a celor responsabili, iar ca efect instanțele de judecată nu i-au condamnat din varii motive. Organizațiile semnatare CONDAMNĂ inacțiunea statului de a deferi justiției vinovații de comiterea actelor de tortură și relelor tratamente din cadrul evenimentelor din aprilie 2009 și ignorarea constantă a victimelor torturii.
Constatăm cu regret că mai mulți funcționari își continuă activitatea în instituțiile în care au activat anterior, au fost promovați sau activează în alte instituții de stat.
Regretăm că sute de victime ale torturii au rămas traumatizate pe viață și nu au primit nici un suport real din partea statului, cu excepția unor compensații bănești, incomparabil de mici față de prejudiciul cauzat. Legea nr 137 (2017), cu privire la reabilitarea victimelor infracțiunilor este ineficientă și nulă, fără mecanisme de implementare, iar Comentariul General Nr 3 (2012) al Comitetului ONU împotriva torturii la art. 14 al Convenției ONU împotriva torturii a fost și este ignorat.
Este inadmisibil că multiplele obligațiuni internaționale ale Republicii Moldova în vederea „toleranței zero” față de tortură rămân a fi violate până în prezent, indiferent de multiplele recomandări publicate în diverse rapoarte în fiecare an.
Organizațiile semnatare amintesc autorităților că într-un stat de drept justiția este o prioritate. Autoritățile trebuie să-și îndeplinească obligațiile dictate de documentele internaționale în domeniul drepturilor omului pe care le-au semnat, dar și cele naționale menite să asigure tuturor persoanelor drepturi egale.
Dosarul 7 APRILIE 2009 a fost ignorat până în acest moment de toate guvernările și poate crea precedente periculoase!
SOLICITĂM autorităților RM următoarele:
Organizațiile semnatare (lista pentru semnare este deschisă)
Amnesty International Moldova
RCTV Memoria
Promo LEX
Centrul de Investigatii Jurnalistice
Ambasada Drepturilor Omului
Institutul pentru Drepturile Omului (IDOM)
Asociatia Presei Independente (API)
Transparency International Moldova
Centrul de Informare în domeniul Drepturilor Omului
Centrul de Resurse Juridice din Moldova
The Legal Resources Centre from Moldova (LRCM) prepared a series of infographics on the state of emergency in the Republic of Moldova, declared by the Parliament on March 17, 2020 due to the global pandemic of COVID-19. The infographics explain to the general public what the state of emergency is, what is restricted and what is allowed during this period. Infographics also represent a summary of the measures taken during the emergency period that have an impact on the way the justice is carried out in the Republic of Moldova.
The infographics were elaborated within the project "Institutional support for organizational development", implemented by the LRCM and financed by Sweden.
The infographics can be downloaded here.
EXTENDED DEADLINE FOR THE CALL FOR PROPOSALS: Terms of Reference for the end of the project evaluation. CLOSING DATE: LRCM hereby extends the bids submission deadline to 14 April 2020. BUDGET CEILING: The total budget for the overall assignment activity should not exceed the amount of USD 10,000 (including any relevant travel, accommodation or consultancy costs). N.B. Should travel bans or movement restrictions not be lifted by the time of carrying out evaluation activity, the LRCM and Consultant shall mutually agree upon a new timeline to accomplish the purpose of assignment. |
The Legal Resources Centre from Moldova (LRCM) is a non-profit organization that contributes to strengthening democracy and the rule of law in the Republic of Moldova with emphasis on justice and human rights. Our work includes research and advocacy. We are independent and politically non-affiliated.
The LRCM promotes an independent, efficient, and accountable judiciary, respect of human rights, an enabling environment for civil society and democracy. For that end, we identify problems with systemic impact, bring them into the public agenda, propose solutions, react to abuses and mobilize partners for changes in good. More information on LRCM activity is available at
In October 2016, the LRCM started the implementation of the project “Promoting the Rule of Law in Moldova through civil society oversight”, supported by the U.S. Agency for International Development (hereinafter the USAID funded project). The project purpose is to improve rule of law and accountability of the justice system in Moldova via active civil society oversight and participation in decision-making processes. The period of implementation of the project is October 2016 – September 2020. Total budget of the project - USD 1,200,000.
The project objectives are the following:
Direct beneficiaries:
Indirect beneficiary:
3 years (2016-2019) of project implementation (in numbers)
68 | SCM sittings monitored |
48 | Legal opinions submitted to authorities |
8 | Working group memberships |
31 | Public reactions launched |
27 | Public events & workshops organized |
14 | Publications on relevant topics |
4 | Infographics on issues of public interest |
11 | Newsletters in Romanian, Russian and English |
3 | Strategic litigation cases & 1 amicus curiae |
1 | Case won before the European Court |
4 | Survey for CSOs |
8 | Press clubs with journalists |
5 | Briefs to IGOs (Council of Europe & UN SR HRD) |
5 | Meeting with Moldova’s development partners |
LRCM seeks to contract a consultant / team of consultants (hereinafter referred to as - the Consultant) to undertake the external evaluation of the implementation of the project mentioned above.
Objectives of the Evaluation
The objectives of this evaluation are to:
Illustrative questions directed at evaluating the project activities, in each of the project objectives, might include (but are not limited to) the following domains:
The evaluation shall focus on the period of October 2016 – 30 September 2020 (the date of completion of the project).
The evaluation assignment is expected to be conducted in a consultative and participatory way. LRCM expects the Consultant to use the following methods: desk study and review of LRCM regulatory documentation including project documents, activity reports, interviews with the staff, donors and direct beneficiaries (face-to-face interviews when possible), as well as other methods as deemed appropriate by the Consultant. The Consultant shall draft the methodology and consult it with LRCM prior to initiating the evaluation. Critical reflection and learning is integral to this process. The Consultant is expected to plan and ensure the engagement of the LRCM staff in evaluation process.
The Consultant shall provide the following deliverables:
All deliverables shall be presented in English. The exact report format will be agreed upon with the Consultant prior to commencing the assignment.
The evaluation shall be conducted between 15 July – 31 August 2020, with the final Evaluation report to be delivered by 15 September 2020.
The Consultant (company or individual) shall have proven experience in project evaluation with at least 5 years of experience. Additional requirements include:
Persons who directly benefited from the implementation or provided services within the project are not eligible.
The cumulative method will be applied in the evaluation of the applications. The contract will be awarded to the candidate achieving the highest cumulative score from the technical and financial parts of the proposal. The technical proposal accounts for 70% of the total score and the financial proposal will account for 30% of the total evaluation score. The calculation criteria of the Financial Offer will be based on a percentage proportion, awarding 100% (equivalent to 30 points) to the lowest financial bid submitted.
The offers will be evaluated based on the following criteria:
Criteria | Max. point |
Technical |
Envisaged methodology and action plan, including evaluation tools for the assignment | 25 |
Knowledge of Moldovan or regional rule of law context | 10 |
University degree in Law, Political Sciences, Democracy, Public Policy, International Development | 5 |
Experience in project cycle management | 5 |
Experience in evaluation of the projects implemented by the civil society organisations / in evaluation of the USAID funded projects | 15 |
Record of participation in minimum two assignments of similar evaluation or degree of complexity | 10 |
Financial offer | 30 |
TOTAL | 100 |
Offers may be submitted by individual candidates and/or legal entities. The signed and dated offer shall be sent by e-mail to [email protected] by 14 April 2020, including the following components:
For local resident candidates: (a) legal entities are invited to send their financial offers with the application of the VAT exemption with deduction right. The confirmative documents for VAT exemption will be presented by the beneficiary; (b) individual candidates – net amounts.
For foreign individual candidates/legal entities, if selected, the tax resident certificate issued by the relevant tax authority of the origin country will be requested. Upon presentation of the certificate of residence for tax purposes based on the Convention for the avoidance of double taxation, the Consultant will have the sole responsibility for the payment of all applicable taxes relating to Expert and Expert’s employees arising from payments to be received.
(!) Individual successful candidates should justify the requested fees by filling in a form (Contractor Employee Biographical Data Sheet in line with USAID requirements) indicating the fees received for similar services from at least three contractors, with the attachment of the supporting documents.
Disbursement and payment modalities will be agreed upon by both parties and specified in the contract with the Consultant.
For any clarifications on the assignment, please e-mail at [email protected].
NOTE: LRCM reserves the right not to choose any candidate in case the offers received do not meet the desired requirements mentioned in this ToR.
LRCM is an inclusive and diversity-friendly employer. We value difference, promote equality and challenge discrimination, enhancing our organisational capability. We welcome and encourage application from all qualifying candidates. We do not discriminate on the basis of disability, race, colour, ethnicity, gender, religion, sexual orientation, age, marital or parental status or other category protected by law.