Main successes
- Upon Ministry of Justice request, LRCM developed the studies on optimization of the judicial map, specialisation of judges and optimisation of the structure of the prosecution service. Based on these studies, in 2016, the Parliament voted for the optimisation of the judicial map, reducing the number of district courts from 44 to 15. This is one of the most important reforms of the Moldovan court system since Moldovan independence in 1991;
- Between 2013 and 2016, the Executive Director of the LRCM led the interdepartmental working group for the reform of the prosecution service. In 2016, the Parliament voted the new Law on prosecution service, prepared by the working group. It involves the most serious reform of the Moldovan prosecution service since Moldovan independence;
- In 2012 and 2015 LRCM published two reports about execution of judgments of the ECtHR by the Republic of Moldova. The report highlights the problems in execution of ECtHR judgments and makes recommendations for improvement of the situation. Based on findings from the first report, a new Law on Governmental Agent was adopted in 2015;
- LRCM recommendations led, in 2012, to improvement of the provisions of the Moldovan Criminal Code incriminating torture;
- LCRM recommendations on streamlining judicial procedures and respect for human rights led, in 2012, to amendments to Criminal and Civil Procedure Codes of Moldova;
- In 2015 LRCM published an analysis of the compatibility of Moldovan legislation with European standards on equality and non-discrimination, focused on the legislative framework and national jurisprudence, including the activity and efficiency of the legal remedies offered by the Equality Council;
- In 2013 our effort of monitoring the SCM resulted in the report “Transparency and efficiency of the Superior Council of Magistracy of the Republic of Moldova. 2010-2012”, with recommendations for streamlining the transparency and efficiency of the SCM.